You may have seen some Roblox toys that are owned by your friends and you think that they are awesome. It is a good think when you can bring Roblox in your real life not only in Roblox platform. You can also buy it. But first, we want to ask you, which series that you want to collect?
Roblox Toys consist of popular characters, developers and also users. So, you can buy any toys that you want. Then, the toys can be in the form of figure or gameset. If you are interested in Roblox Toys Series 4, it means that you need to know some information about it including the figures which include in this series.
You maybe want to buy Roblox Toys series 4 and you want to know the toys which are included in the series 4. Here they are:
- Astral Isle Apprentice.
- AxisAngle.
- Badcc.
- Bombo.
- Cardboard Crusader.
- Club Boates: Proprietor.
- Crimson Catseye.
- Design It: Safari.
- Hexaria: Rogue.
- Ice Breaker.
- Imaginaerum.
- Jailbreak Inmate
- Lillian: Shield of the Kingdom
- MeepCity Pet Seller
- Mimi_Dev
- Natural Disaster Survivor
- Neverland Lagoon: Epic Merman
- Prisman
- Roblox High School: Quarter Back
- SilentSwords
- Tomarty
- Wish_z
- WoodReviewer
- Yeti
- Archmage Arm Dealer
- Car Crusher: Panwellz
- Cleaning Simulator: Todd the Turnip
- Fantastic Frontier: Croc
- Flame Guard General
- Mad Games: Adam
- Monster Islands: Malgorok’Zyth
- Ninja Assassin: Yin Clan Master
- Chicken
- Farmer
- Bandit
- Fire Mage
- Primitive
- Primitive
- Jailbreak: Swat Unit
- Days of Knights
- Days of Knights
- Days of Knights
- Days of Knights
- Atomic Waste
- Captain Roblox
- Cicada
- Darkmatter
- Dynamo
- Kinetic
- Overdrive
- Tessla
- Hospital RP: Doctor
- Redwood Prison: Robber
- RoCitizens: Hard Times Henry
- RoCitizens: Mick the Cop
- RoCitizens: Scarlet
- Westover Fire Dept
As you can see that the toys that are from this series is a lot. So, what figure have you bought from this series? If you have not had yet, you are able to try to buy it. Where can we buy it? You are able to buy these Roblox toys in some stores such as BestBuy, Walmart, CVS, Pharmacy, Amazon and many more.
If you want to know where you can buy Roblox toys in your country, you are able to visit Then, you have to click on Where To Buy menu and then there will be a pop up menu consisting the list of the names of country. Click on the country where you live in and then you will be given some information about where you can buy Roblox toys in your country.
Let’s take an example. Let say that you live in Australia. So, after you click on Where To Buy menu, then you have to click on Australia. And you will see that you are able to buy Roblox toys at EB Games, Kmart, Target and Toys R Us.