The term “Roblox sign” can refer to the trend mark or logo of one of the biggest platforms to play games called Roblox. The first Roblox sign was the one from 1997 to 2002. This one was called GoBlox Technologies. Aside from that name, there is the phrase “Building the blox for Technology” below the logo. In that period or time, there was another alternative logo with just GoBloxTechnologies written on it.
During its first beta stage, GoBlocks changed to DynaBlocks. This one was spanned from 2003 to January 2004. Everything looked colorful if you compare to the first one with only red color. It could catch everyone’s eyes easily.
Then, the name of DynaBlocks was changed to Roblox in January 2004 for teh next half of its development. The main reason behind changing anime was because the developers believed that DynaBlocks was too hard to remember. Apparently, the “Roblox” logo was used on the official website during the latter half of its development and beta testing from June 2005. This one was also used on T-shirts from 2006 to 2008. However, Roblox was launched officially in teh year of 2006. Even after the end of the usage, the logo of it was still used on shirts made by the users of Roblox, on the outfits of guest accounts until the year of 2016, on the site banner until the year of 2009, and was on the PayPal Builders’Club website.
In 2007, the color and design of Roblox logo were slightly modified. Until 2009, that one was the secondary logo used for merchandising and appeared as the welcome decal in the map called 2008 “Happy in Robloxia”. In the year of 2010, the logo was modified again. That time, it is sporting the new three dimensional look. From that period of time until now, it has changed several times. The last change was in November 2018, where it changed from red coloration to black.
Aside from the logo, the icon of Roblox also has been through a lot of changes. There are three versions of the current Roblox icon, including the gray version, the black version, and the icon used for the Roblox mobile app.
For those who are looking for the Roblox picture IDs for Roblox sign, here are some of them. The first one is 25758400. This one is the Roblox ID for Roblox Sign (Decal) created by cooldude78111. This one consists of the word written “Roblox”. In general, the color of i is grey with the red line. The second one is 34058882. This one is the Roblox ID for Roblox Logo Decal. the creator of this decal is Jamesp55. It looks like the older version of Roblox. The third one is 607263161. This one is the Roblox ID for the Roblox’s (new) logo decal created by Rapunzeal. The “O” letters are in the block form. The fourth one is 67395567. This one is the Roblox ID for Roblox “R” Logo by 4slime. As you can guess, it has only R letter.