Looking for information about Roblox Phantom Forces hack is not an easy thing to find. It is because everything about hack or exploit is bannable so that the information about it is limited. However, we are going to tell you some information related to Phantom Forces hack in Roblox based on our search.
If you try to search Phantom Forces game which is hacked in Roblox, one of the results that you will get is Phantom Forces [Hacked] [Old Version] by Kazaza4. This game was created on June 16th, 2016 and the last update was on April 28th, 2019. This game can be played by 12 maximum players in each server and now it has been visited more than 3,300 times with 27 favorites. In this game, there are some allowed gears such as FPS Gear Only, Melee, Ranged, and Explosive.
If you search about Phantom Forces hack in Youtube, you will be able to find some videos such as Phantom Forces Hack – Unlock All, Aimbot, ESP & More! [Roblox] Script/ Exploit 2019 which was published by Starter | Exploiting on April 16th, 2019; Phantom Forces Script/ Hack Aimbot – How to Hack Roblox Phantom Forces published by Zzaka Zzak published on August 14th, 2019; Phantom Forces Hacks | How To Safely Hack Phantom Forces published by Sportshot on April 24th, 2019; [Very OP] Roblox Phantom Forces Hack/ Exploit – (√Aimbot, √Undetected, √ESP) published by Cheat Buddy on August 10th, 2019.
In each video, there are links that you can click to be able to download the exploit that you can use to hack the game. So, if you want to get the hack, you can visit the videos above, click on the links that they give and then download it. The links will bring you to starterexploits.tk, docs.google.com, dropbase.com, megga.site and many more.
If you go to v3rmillion.net, you will be able to find a thread about Phantom Forces Hack Module. In the thread, there is user who shares a module that you can use for hacking Phantom Forces. It is said that it can work for ProtoSmasher and Synapse. And now, it functions to remove animations, load grenade, instant grenade, instant reload, add ammo, set mag, set mag size, set spare mag, all fire modes, switch teams, console, update money and tick. He gives you a link there and it goes to mega.nz where you are able to download the module.
However, when you find a site or videos with links that claim that they can give you hack, you have to be careful because sometimes there are people who just want to deceive you. So, wherever you want to download the hack, make sure that you are careful.
If you think that you are still lack in getting information about Phantom Forces hack in this article, you are able to try to ask about Phantom Forces hack in a forum or groups related to Phantom Forces so that you will get more information about it from other people because the sources about it is very limited in the internet.