Roblox Female Shading

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When you make a t-shirt for female, you maybe want it look like a female body so that there are shading in certain parts such as in the breast part. You are able to do that by giving the shade in some parts. How to do that?

You can give the shade for female t-shirt by your own but if you do not want to make it, you can also buy it. In the Roblox catalog, you are able to find some shirts which are categorized into female shading. First, there is Girls Shading [Fixed] which was published by Stingy. This shirt costs R$ 5 and it was last updated on January 20th, 2018. Now, it has been favorited 66 times and the Roblox ID of the shirt is 1039076829.

Next, there is Female Shading [Darker] by unholyteen. This t-shirt was last updated on December 11th, 2016 and it costs R$ 5. This shirt has been favorited 5 times and the Roblox ID is 572046439. Another shirt that you can find it Female Shading which was published by International Secret Intelligence Service. It costs R$ 5 and it was last updated on December 10th, 2017 and now it has been favorited 71 times. The Roblox ID of the shirt is 1234181938. Besides this, there is also Female/ Women Shading which was published by potty talk. This T-shirt costs R$ 15 and it was last updated on April 24th, 2018. Now, it has been favorited 27 times and the Roblox ID of the item is 1662638828.

There are still more female shading t-shirt that you are able to find in the Roblox catalog. Just search there and find the one that you want. If you do not want to buy but you want to make it by yourself, you are able to make female shading on your t-shirt. How to do that?

In Youtube, you are able to find a video tutorial how to give shading in certain part in your t-shirt. One of the videos is a video by Auranie entitled How To Shade Tutorial Roblox. In the video you can see that the first thing that you can do is prepare the template. After you have the template, now you have to choose the middle part. Then, follow the outlines and then blur it. To blur it, you can use Gaussian blur. After that, you have to overlay it and then do your highlights. Then, blur and overlay it again. Now, you have to change the opacity to your choice. After that, outline the template in black and then blur and overlay it again and now your highlight. Blur and overlay it.

You can also watch another video entitled Roblox Shading which was published by DeathElk101. By watching the video tutorial of how to make shading in Roblox, at least you know the basic knowledge how to shade thing in Roblox. And if you want to make a female shading you will be able to make it because you know the basic knowledge or steps how to make Roblox shading.

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