How to Make a Dominus

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As we know that the prices of Dominus series are very expensive. When you check your Robux, you probably think that it is impossible to buy Dominus but you really want to have it. Do not be sad, dude! You are able to make your own Dominus.

Dominus consists of many types including Dominus Empyreus, Dominus Frigidus, Dominus Messor, Dominus Infernus, Dominus Vespertilio, Dominus Astra, Dominus Rex, Dominus Pittacium, Dominus Aureus, Dominus Praefectus, Dominus Venari, Dominus Claves, and Dominus Deadly Dark. These Dominus Hats are desired by a lot of people and are usually worn as a status symbol by users such as Stickmasterluke.

If someone has a Dominus in the current day, it usually signifies that the person is very rich in terms of Robux and also it makes other players envy because of their rarity, prices and general aesthetic. Are you also envy to them who have these Dominus? Well, you are able to make your own Dominus without having to be rich. Even though it is not real Dominus, but it looks like real and you will be amazing if you wear it.

If you try to search how to make a Dominus on Youtube, there are a lot of videos about it. Some of them are How To Make Your Own Dominus Replica On Roblox (Look Rich) by NicsterV published on July 21st, 2017; How To Make Your Own Roblox Dominus (OMG) by ROBLOXMuff published on October 8th, 2017; How To Make A Dominus On Roblox 2019 by Michy published on December 31st, 2017; How To Create A Custom Dominus In Roblox Any Type by CHAL Gaming published on January 26th, 2018; Roblox How To Make A Dominus by airborne published on February 15th, 2014 and many more.

Each of these videos has different methods for making Dominus. In the video of ROBLOXMuff entitled How To Make Your Own Roblox Dominus, you are able to see that the first thing to make your own Roblox Dominus is searching up Blind Rogue in the Roblox catalog and then buy it. Blind Rogue costs R$ 30 so if you want to buy it, make sure that you have enough Robux. After you buy it, put it on your Roblox avatar.

After that, you have to search up “Exoflex Spax Helmex” and then buy it. This item costs R$ 25. After you buy it, now you can put it on. Then, you have to go to the Roblox Catalog again and buy Braided Destiny of Cu Chulainn. This item costs R$ 200. You have to wear it after you buy it. Then, you have to go to the Roblox Catalog again and buy Exoflex Spax Helmex Shirt which costs R$ 10. Do not forget to buy the Exoflex Spax Helmex Pants as well which costs R$ 5. And then, wear them to your avatar.

Now, you are able to see that the hat looks like the real Dominus. Even the avatar looks rich and awesome with this outfit. So, even though you are not able to by the real Dominus, as long as you are creative, you are able to make your own Dominus by using the existing items in the Roblox Catalog.

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