How to Leave a Group in Roblox

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You may have joined too many groups in Roblox and some of them now inactive. So, you think of leaving the group but you do not know how to do it. You are able to leave the group and we will tell you how to do it.

When you decide to join a group, it is better for you to think twice first whether this group will be good for you or not. Some of groups in Roblox may just for fun without having any activities and even information. So, some people then decide to leave the group. Leaving a group can also happen because you may want to join another group, but your chance to join a group is over because you have joined a lot of groups and now you want to leave some of them to be able to join some other groups.

As we know that Roblox users have limitation in joining groups in Roblox. The limitation is determined by their membership. If they are non-Builders Club member, they can join up to 5 groups at one time. If they are Builders Club member, they can join or own up to 10 groups at one time. If they have Turbo Builders Club membership, they have the privilege to own or be in group up to 20 groups at one time. Then, if they have Outrageous Builders Club membership, they can join or own 100 groups.

So, how to leave the group in Roblox? The steps are very easy to follow. The first thing that you have to do to leave the group is going to your Groups section in your Roblox account. After that, you have to click on the group that you want to leave. Now, click on the Leave Group button that is available on the side right of the page.

Another question that may appear about leaving a group is, if we are an owner of the group and then we want to leave the group, who will manage it? If you are the owner of the group and then you decide to leave the group, any group member who has Builders Club member can claim ownership. If there are no other members who have Builders Club membership at that time, then the group will remain without an owner.

If you have leaved a group, now you are able to join another group that you think it is interested. Make sure that you join the right group so that you are able to enjoy there. If you join a right group, you do not only get the fun of the activities there, but you are also able to get some advantages such as getting some useful information related to the group that you join. For example, if you join Bloxburg group, you will not only enjoy to discuss with other members but you also will get updates about the new things related to the game so that you will not be left behind. So, after leaving the group, which group do you want to join next?

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