Ad Maker for Roblox

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In Roblox, you are able to advertise something. You maybe want to promote something such as your game, group or any other things on Roblox so you are able to use this feature. To advertise something, you need an ad maker and now we are going to inform you about this.

Advertisement on Roblox refers to user created ads or outside ads. If you are Roblox user who have Builders Club member with any level, you will not be able to see outside ads so that you will not be annoyed by the ads. However, some Builders Club members prefer to see commercial ads than user created ads since the quality of outside advertisements is much better than user-made advertisements. On Roblox, you are able to advertise any of items that you have made such as places, t-shirts and also groups.

If you want to make an ads, it is important for you to know that there are three advertisement dimensions including skyscraper, banner, and rectangle. If you want to make a banner, it is 728 by 90 pixels. If you want to make skyscraper, it is 160 by 600 pixels and if you want to make rectangle, it is 300 by 250 pixels. Before you advertise something on Roblox, you have to know that you have to pay with Robux. The higher the bid, the frequency of the advertisement will be higher as well. Robux provides an estimate which is generalized of how many times an ads will appear during 24-hour advertising period.

Now, the question is, what is ad maker that we can use for Roblox? Well, there are some options of ads maker that you are able to choose. If you search in your browser now, there are some websites of ad maker that you can use for Roblox. You are able to use In this site, there are some dimensions for your banner. The options of dimensions are Wild Skyscraper 160 x 600, Etsy Cover Photo 1200 x 300, Medium Rectangle 300 x 250, Leaderboard 728 x 90, Mobile Leaderboard 320 x 50, Facebook ad Medium 600 x 315 and even there is a custom dimension. To make a banner, you just have to click on the dimension that you want and then you will be directed to a design page and there you have to choose the design that you want. After that, edit the things of the banner designs.

To make you easier in making an ad banner, you are able to watch some video tutorials about making ad on Roblox and you are able to watch it on Youtube. Some videos that you can watch are How to Make Your Own Ad On Roblox (Paint.Net) 2017 by Jolostic which was published on July 7th, 2017 and How to Make an Ad!! | Roblox | 2017 (Basic) by ELProductions which was published on February 7th, 2017.

In the video, you can see that actually you can make banner in Roblox and you can click on Advertise. To make it perfect, you can make it by the help of In another video, you can see that to make an ad for Roblox, you can use the help of Gimp at and Text at

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